Dat’s Nice Hotter-N-Hell Datil Pepper Sauce officially makes its debut this week and takes its place in line with our four other Datil Pepper Sauces, only this one is the hottest version yet. Hot pepper sauce gets its heat from the amount of pepper oil, known as capsaicin, that is added to the recipe. This version of our datil pepper hot sauce takes the lead on the sweat meter with less of the other ingredients and plenty of what makes it so hot… the datil peppers.

Well worth the long wait to be able to bring you our hottest pepper sauce, it has an amazing datil flavor and heat, perfect for topping your favorite shellfish or anything else that tastes best with the hottest sauce this side of the dirt. Smokin’ heat and spicy flavor all rolled into one 5 oz bottle.

Jump over to our Shop Sauces area and pick up some of this delectable hot sauce or get it HERE!



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