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Twas three weeks before Christmas, when all across the land,
Not a sale price remained and Dat’s Nice had a plan funny_goofy_smiley_sticking_out_his_tongue

“Aha!” said Joe Stewart, “Now that Cyber Monday has passed,
Let’s send our Christmas Sauce Savings to everyone at last.”

A newsletter was designed with great detail and care,
in hopes that all of the customers soon would click there.

e-Mail the newsletter, e-Mail it to all!
Asking – Share away! Share away! Share away… y’all!”

The customers were nestled all snug in their beds,
with visions of datil peppers & mangoes dancing in their heads.


When back at Dat’s Nice there arose such a clatter,
the computer started processing, faster and faster!

Customers were ordering; saving BIG on their favorite sauce,
they couldn’t imagine a deal like this from the Datil Pepper Boss!

So as you scurry around for last minute Christmas gloss,
Remember you have only 20 days to get sauced.


Take advantage of year end prices.

Offer good through 12.31.13
New prices effective 2.1.14

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