GOOD News for the datil pepper and St. Augustine… and for Dat’s Nice!datilpepper2

On Tuesday, September 17th, at 9:00 am is the St. Johns County (St. Augustine, Florida) Board of Commissioners’ meeting. They will declare the Datil Pepper as the Official Plant for St. Johns County and declare the first Saturday in October as Datil Pepper Day in St. Johns County. There will be a presentation regarding historical and cultural significance of the Datil Pepper in St. Johns County.

This is exciting news for St. John’s County and for St. Augustine, too. But even better than that… this is A-W-E-S-O-M-E News for Dat’s Nice Hot Sauce because we are all about datil peppers! As far as we’re concerned, this is a milestone and one we’ll be celebrating every year to come. So, help us spread the word and join us for some fantastic datil pepper hot sauce.

If you’d like to know more, you can read the full story HERE or for those who cannot attend, you may watch the proceedings on your local government cable channels or via the web at:

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